Authors |
Puzentsova Yulia Andreevna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. A major prerequisite and, at the same time, a factor of formation of a political system of democratic type is existence of civil society. A civil society characterizes the whole complex of various forms of social activity of the population which isn’t caused by activity of government bodies and embodying the real level of self-organization of society. The condition of public relations and the relations described by the concept “civil society” is a quality indicator of civil independence of residents of one or another country, the main criterion of division of functions of the state and society in the social sphere. The real personal freedom becomes possible in the society of genuine democracy, where not the state, the political power dominates over society and its members, but the society has unconditional superiority in relation to the state. The goal of the study is to analyze social inequality as a phenomenon, to give assessment to a variety of reasons of emergence of so-called of structures of civil society.
Materials and methods. This article is devoted to questions of development of the modern civil society in Russia, assessment of its formation; the points of view of scientists-jurists on the matter. The author’s assessment is given to the current state of structural elements of civil society. Conditional classification of types of social inequality in society is considered. The detailed analysis of materials of the Foundation for development of civil society of the Russian Federation and the Russian President’s Council for Civil Society and Human Rights is described.
Results. The author researched a number of factors influencing allocation (isolation) of certain class structures of society, qualitatively assessed the current state of civil society. Types of modern social and economic inequality were allocated and analyzed.
Conclusions. Studying of the reasons of emergence of structural elements of the modern civil society is an important question. Formation of any democratic system is impossible without structuring one of basic components – civil society. It becomes the real guarantor of democratic character of the happening transformations, provides the bases of social stability. Discussion of the questions connected with features of civil society formation in Russia is very important today as formation of a civil society is an important element of the process of democratization of society.
Key words |
civil society, social relations, development of society, class inequality, sociological researches.
References |
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